Towards The End of The Year, Jakarta Foreign Tourists Rise - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Utara Municipality

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Towards The End of The Year, Jakarta Foreign Tourists Rise

Release Date : January 5, 2023
File Size : 1.54 MB


In 2022,  the tourism sector continues  to show positive trend with increasing foreign tourist  arrivals.  In  November  2022, the arrival of foreign tourists  to Jakarta rose by 1.22 percent compared to the previous month. This increase was in line with the government’s efforts to attract tourists to Indonesia, including  e-VOA  and payment gateway  that makes  it easy  for  foreign tourists to enter Indonesia.
From  January  to November  2022, the number of foreign tourists visiting Jakarta reached 810,627  visits. This figure rose by 689.98  percent compared to the previous year’s period. Even so, foreign tourist visits were still lower than before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tourists from the ASEAN region continued to dominate arrivals to Jakarta, reaching
41,649 foreign tourists in November 2022. Based on nationality, tourists from Malaysia dominated arrivals to Jakarta with a share of 12.73 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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