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Product - Statistical Data

Statistics by Subject

Provides statistical tables and publications grouped into various CSA (Classification of Statistical Activities) subjects v1.1. Apart from that, the tables provided also include tables in Indonesian Statistics publications.



Energy - energy supply, energy use, energy balances, security of supply, energy markets, trade in energy, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, government expenditure on energy.



Statistical Data

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Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Jakarta Utara(Statistics Indonesia of Jakarta Utara Municipality)Jl. Berdikari No.1

kelurahan Rawa Badak Utara

Kecamatan Koja

Kota Administrasi Jakarta UtaraTelp. (021) 22494346 Website : http://jakutkota.bps.go.id. Email : bps3175@bps.go.id


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