Jakarta’s HDI Continuous to Strengthen - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Utara Municipality

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Jakarta’s HDI Continuous to Strengthen

Release Date : December 29, 2022
File Size : 3.05 MB


Jakarta’s human development continues to improve. This progress is indicated by the rise in the 2022 Human Development Index (HDI). The rise in HDI was supported by an increase in the HDI’s three basic dimensions, such as a long and healthy life measured by life expectancy at birth (e0), access to knowledge measured by expected years of schooling (EYS) and mean years of schooling (MYS), and a decent standard of living measured by adjusted per capita expenditure.
Jakarta’s HDI in 2022 reached 81,65, up 0,67 percent from the previous year. This was supported by increase in e0 by 0,42 percent, EYS by 0,08 percent, MYS by 1,25 percent, and per capita expenditure adjusted by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) by 2,20 percent.
The solving of COVID-19 pandemic and the robust economic recovery have supported the greater human development of Jakarta. This is indicated by the spread of vaccination coverage, the lower COVID-19 death rate, so the government decided to relax the restrictions for public activities. On the other hand, the economic growth is increasing, the unemployment rate is decreasing, and the poverty rate is decreasing in March 2022 compared to March 2021.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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